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Intuitive Photography Workshop


Over the years, particularly at my photo exhibitions, I had many people say to me, “I love the way you captured that moment. How did you do it?” A lovely compliment but I admit I was puzzled, thinking, “Doesn’t everyone do it?” 


It was later, when a friend asked me to teach her to take photos like mine, that I looked deeper into my approach to photography, in order to substantiate that which had always been intuitive for me.


I realised that it is my Heart’s Eye that is responsible for my photos’ “success”. It is through my Heart’s Eye that as I see, feel and capture the unseen, the missed or forgotten beauty all around me when I’m there in situ, so too can you be transported and transformed.


My realisation, and now mantra, is: “A photo taken with our heart is better than a technically perfect one taken with our head”. Yes, heart first, head second … and the good news is we all have it. 

It is with this realisation that I have developed this half day workshop for anyone who wants to take WOW pictures with just their  mobile phones, without needing to know the technicalities of photography. 

Who Will Benefit

All who just want to use their mobile phone to take more eye-catching pictures for...

▪ social media

▪ holiday trips

▪ precious memories

▪ ... or just for fun! 

What We Will Cover

☑ "Heart's Eye"

☑ Basic guidelines to taking more appealing photos

☑ Basics of editing


What We Will Not Cover

❎ Technicalities of photography (f-stops, white balance, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, bokeh...)

❎ How to use your personal camera app on your mobile phone. 

© 2015 byFey. All rights reserved.


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