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Corporate Social Responsibility

There are four general categories in Corporate Social Responsibility: environmental efforts; ethical labour practices; philanthropy, and volunteering. 


Our focus is on the latter two - the "giving-back" to society.


There are 2 critical components in any give-backs. The first is the giving, & the second is the emotions elicited from those impacted by such giving. Philanthropy or volunteering projects become that much more meaningful if it touches deeper in people's hearts.


This is where we come in. We work with organisations who are open to enhancing their CSR efforts with the communities they support by going beyond the act. We do this through illustrating personal stories of motivators behind the act, & the impact of the act through photographs & writing. We have all seen how well-taken photographs can tell a story & connect with people at a level unlike any other medium. We want to give the "giving" more meaning. 


We would like to support organisations who would like their CSR projects create a bigger impact, beyond just the giving.


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